

*A few months ago, I wrote a post about camp, telling you all of the things that I missed about camp.  I came back from my third year of camp this past Saturday, and I thought it would only be appropriate to tell of my adventures. 
*This Is Home by Switchfoot is the soundtrack for this blogpost. :)

One of my favorite words in the world, mostly because I associate it with one of my other favorite words: home.  Camp is my second home.  Though I don't get to spend much time there, whenever I go back, it feels like I never left.  Last week was no different. 

Camp started out a little weird, honestly.  I wasn't in the same cabin as most of the people I have been for the past two years.  But I loved my cabin, and everyone in it.  Looking back, I see why I was in that cabin, and I realize that God is in charge of everything, even cabin assignments. :)

It took me about four days after I got home to remind myself that I wasn't at camp.

I miss it. 

I miss my name tag. I spent the entire week making sure that I didn't lose it, lest I had to sing to get it back, and then all of the sudden it I didn't have to wear it anymore.  
I miss waiting in line, but being the first group into the dining hall for breakfast.  Speaking of...
I miss the dining hall.  Except the "Lake-water Lemonade", that I could do without.  
I miss 9-Square (In The Air), even if there was a slight height advantage among some...  
I miss our guitar jam sessions on the CLC deck.  
I miss the gazebos. 
I miss watching basketball.  It's not camp without a game of Knockout.  
I miss music and the actions and especially the song "Prince of Peace". It makes me of think of what Heaven will sound like.  
I miss the gorgeous beach. 
I miss the crafts building and seeing all of the duct tape creations every day. 
I miss cards: Hearts, Blackjack, Spoons, all of it. 
I miss being congratulated on "My FIFA World Cup Title"...never heard that one before. ;)
I miss being picked on by the Hawkeye fans because of my ISU shirts. (Go Cyclones!)
I miss our small group and our awesome Disney themed skit. #Disneyknowsbest
I miss the dance.  That was so much fun. 
I miss watching the Staff & Counselor/Camper sports and cheering on the campers. Sorry staff...
I miss Topic, specifically the Bible Studies based off of the Princess Diaries and Lord of the Rings. 
I miss watching skits and songs, and the Talent Show.     
I miss walking back from the Pointe. 
I miss my AMAZING counselors. 
I miss being able to play Volleyball, even though I'm not very good, and not feeling judged. I miss seeing all of my friends from the last couple years, and meeting all of the new people. I hope they feel just as welcome as I did my first year.  
I miss having everyone sign my yearbook. So many signatures, so many memories.  
Of all this, I think I miss "circle-up" the most.  That was probably my highlight every night. 
I miss the late night conversations and the lunch lines and "Come to the dark side of the cabin because we have more Oreos over here" and Trust Falls and hearing about "The Four Directions", though we never saw their performance live. 

Of all this, I miss most becoming so close to everyone as a camp that, after the final worship service, you could hug any person there, and it wouldn't be awkward because you're all one huge family.  

I can't wait to go back, but until then: "It's not goodbye, it's 'See you later'". 
